Recent developments in medicine and imaging offer new insights in cell and tissue structure out of reach with classical technologies. It is obvious that new analysis techniques also require new solutions for sample preparation and manipulation.
From laser based microtomy for histological sample preparation to damage free trimming of tissue engineered implants to intracellular nanodissection we offer ultrashort laser based tailored solutions. Our modular portfolio consists of laser systems and a range of services including customer specific technology & application development and sample preparation services.
Besides, LLS ROWIAK is Value Added sales and service partner of Carl Zeiss Microscopy (Germany), which supplements the LLS ROWIAK portfolio in an optimal manner.

LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions’ technologies address customers in research, development and manufacturing in regenerative medicine, pharma, biotechnology and material sciences. The company has been carved-out as a separate legal entity from ROWIAK GmbH in November 2013 in Hanover, Germany.